Page 127 - ISES SWC50
P. 127
Winfried Hoffman
Country: Germany
Year joined industry: 1979
Company first worked for: Nukum
Technology area: PV
Still active in the industry: Yes
Dr. Winfried Hoffmann joined the R & D group for thin film solar cells at NUKEM (RWE) in 1979 and took over
its leadership in 1985. He initiated the Joint-Venture in the photovoltaic field between NUKEM and Daimler-Benz
Aerospace to form “Angewandte Solarenergie – ASE GmbH” in 1994, where he served as Managing Director. In
the same year the acquisition of 100 % shares of Mobil Solar as a subsidiary company was done with special focus
on their developed ribbon EFG technology. In the late 90s, the company was renamed RWE Solar and was one of
the worldwide 5 biggest production companies. In October 2002, the joint venture between RWE Solutions and
SCHOTT, the RWE SCHOTT Solar GmbH, was formed, where he served as Chairman of the Board. Effective in
2005, SCHOTT acquired the shares of RWE Solutions and the company was renamed SCHOTT Solar GmbH, where
he was member of the Management Committee. In 2007, he joined Applied Materials to become Chief Technology
Officer and Vice President of the Solar Business Group and member of the Management Board of the German based
Applied Materials GmbH. From November 2010 he formed his ownconsulting company Applied Solar Expertise.
He served many years as member of the Board of the German Solar Economy Association (BSW Solar), lastly as
president. From 1997-2014 he served as member of the board EPIA half of that time as president. He has been a
member of many boards including Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and the Helmholtz Center in
Berlin (HZB) and the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hameln (ISFH). In 2012 he received the John Bonda prize
from EPIA and the prestigious Becqueral Prize. The World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) awarded him as a
“Solar Pioneer” in 2014.
Steve Hogan
Country: United States
Year joined industry: 1978
Company first worked for: SERI
Technology area: PV
Still active in the industry: Yes
Steve Hogan joined SERI in initial days of organization, studying solar cell thick film contacts and silicon solar cells.
He moved to Spire Solar in 1984 and worked for over 30 years in design of production equipment, set up of turnkey
PV manufacturing plants and specialized in solar cell and module testing technology. Steve continues to work in
standards through IEEE, IEC, and ASTM.
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 109