Page 14 - ISES SWC50
P. 14


            a-Si           Amorphous Silicon
            AFASE          Association for Applied Solar Energy
            ANZSES         Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society
            ARE            Alliance for Rural Electrification
            ASES           American Solar Energy Society
            ASU            Arizona State University
            BC             Before Christ
            BCA            Building Code of Australia
            BIPV           Building Integrated Photovoltaics
            BPSI           BP Solar International
            CdS            Cadmium Sulfide
            CNES           National Centre for Space Studies
            CIS            Copper, Indium and Selenium
            CO             Carbon Dioxide
            CRE            Council for Renewable Energy
            CSP            Concentrating Solar Power
            CSIRO          Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
            d.c            Direct Current
            DOE            Department of Energy
            ECD            Energy Conversion Devices
            EEG            Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz
            EFG            Edge-defined Film-fed Growth
            ENE            Energies Nouvelles et Environnement
            EPA            Environmental Protection Agency
            EPIA           European PV Industry Association
            ESMAP          The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
            EU             The European Union
            EWEA           European Wind Energy Association
            FIT            Feed-In Tariff
            FSEC           The Florida Solar Energy Center
            FSP            Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific
            GEF            Global Environment Fund
            GIZ            Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
            GOGLA          Global Off Grid Lighting Association
            GTZ            German Technical Cooperation Agency
            GTZ            Global Tracking Framework
            GW             Giga Watt
            GW             Giga Watts Thermal
            HQ             Head Quarters
            IASEE          International Association for Solar Energy Education
            IEA            International Energy Agency
            IEA-PVPS       International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power Systems
            IEC            Institute of Energy Conversion
            IEEE           Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
            IFC            International Finance Corporation
            IPCC           International Panel on Climate Change
            IPE            The Institute of Physical Electronics
            IPMVP          International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
            IRENA          International Renewable Energy Agency
            ISCI           International Solar Cities Initiative
            ISES           International Solar Energy Society
            ISREE          International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education
            km/h           Kilometre Per Hour

                                                                 ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions  |  XIII
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