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8. 1980-1989
8.1 ISES 1980-1989
• The Board decided that ISES Solar World Congresses would be held every two years oscillating between
three areas: North, Central and South America; Europe and Africa; and the East and Oceania.
• ISES Sections were established in Spain and Austria.
• ISES Section was established in France.
• The Löf/Duffie Best Paper Award was established to honour authors of papers considered to be outstanding
contributions published in the ISES scientific journal, “Solar Energy”.
• The Mexican and Portuguese Sections were formed.
• The Christopher A. Weeks Achievements through Action Award was established to encourage young
professionals in solar.
Figure 26: Past Presidents sitting with the newly elected President in Perth. In the front row, left to right, are
Wal Read, Harry Tabor, and Bill Charters and in the back row, Jack Duffie, Roger Morse, George Löf and Bill
• The Egyptian Section was formed.
• An editorial Board was created to assist Everett Howe with SunWorld.
• Solar Energy Journal expanded its pages to 1,400 per year from 1200, with papers limited to 10 pages.
• The 1985 Solar World Congress, Montreal, had a new format which included posters.
• Jack Duffie became Editor of Solar Energy Journal.
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