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11.10 SWC50 Supporter: SEIAPI

            In 2008, while undertaking a project in Fiji, Geoff Stapleton from GSES was approached by Clay Engineering(Fiji)
            on  whether  GSES  could  assist  the  Pacific  Islands  establish  a  designers/installers  technician  certification
            program similar to the Clean Energy Councils “accreditation” program in Australia. After further discussions
            with othersolar energy companies in the Pacific region it was decided that an industry association should be
            formed which could manage the accreditation program and also develop technical guidelines for the region.

            GSES successfully applied for funding from the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP)
            starting in 2010.

            The output of this 2-year project was the establishment of the Sustainable Energy Industries Association
            of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI).Initially the association was registered in Solomon Islands however it is now
            registered in Fiji. The funding from REEEP allowed for the development of :

            •       The association by-laws/constitution;
            •       The rules for a technician certification programme and
            •       A 5-year business plan,

            SEIAPI covers all Pacific Island Countries and Territories within the North and South Pacific Oceans. There are
            21 Countries and Territories with a total combined population of approximately 12+ million people.

            SEIAPI first executive committee met in Guam in November 2010.

                                   SEAIPI First Executive Committee Meeting-Guam 2010
                 L to R: Bruce Clay (Fiji), Fred N Skilling (Kosrae), Nick Ritsinias (Vanuatu). Peter Konings (Pohnpei)
                andFaustino Yangmog (Yap). Committee members not in Photo : David Iro Fulaga (Solomon Islands);
                                      Vaughn Columbus- (Fiji)and Eric Kerres- (Vanuatu)

            SEIAPI has three membership categories:
            •       Industry Member (sustainable energy business located in the Pacific Islands)
            •       Associate Member (sustainable energy business located outside ofPacific Islands)
            •       Honorary Member (Government Departments, NGO’s, Donors and training institutions)

            In addition to supporting the members of the association the principle role that SEIAPI has played is in building
            technical capacity within the region.

            The focus has been in development of technical guidelines and training which will be benefit the growth of
            the industry.

            In 2011SEIAPI developed the following four technical guidelines in:
            •       Design of Grid connected PV Systems
            •       Installation of Grid connected PV Systems
            •       Design of Stand-Alone PV Systems
            •       Installation of Stand-alone PV Systems
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