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Martin Green
Country: Australia
Year Started Research: 1975
Title of Research: Silicon Solar Cells
University: University of New South Wales
Still Active in Research: Yes
UNSW Scientia Professor, and director of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics, Martin Green, AM
ForMemRS, is widely regarded as the world’s foremost photovoltaic researcher and the most distinguished
academic in crystalline silicon solar cell research working today. In a record-setting career in solar spanning almost
50 years, Dr Green has been the recipient of numerous Australian and international awards and prizes in recognition
of his contributions to the field, including the Australia Prize, the James Cook Medal of the Royal Society of New
South Wales and the coveted Global Energy Prize (2018), for his work having “revolutionised the efficiency and
costs of solar photovoltaics, making this now the lowest cost option for bulk electricity supply”. Prof. Green also
serves as editor-in-chief of the journal, Progress in Photovoltaics. Professor Green has been known as “the father of
photovoltaics” since he and his team’s 1983 invention of the PERC solar cell at UNSW, which now accounts for 79%
of all solar modules used in the world. Professor Green’s team’s solar cells were included in the first photovoltaic
system in 1989. From these breakthroughs in solar cell technology, the global solar energy industry as we know
it was born. Professor Green founded the Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence at UNSW. Now established as the
School for Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering (SPREE), it hosts one of the world’s leading solar
research laboratories, which has held the world record for the most efficient solar cell for 30 of the last 35 years.
Hugo Grossi Gallegos
Country: Argentina Year Started Research: 1978
Title of Research: Measurements of solar irradiance
University: Argentina National Commission on Space Research (CNIE) and
Argentina National University of Lujan (UNLu)
Still Active in Research: No
Hugo Grossi Gallegos was Director of Solarimetric Network in Argentina from 1980 up to its dissolution. He was coordinator
of the Subregional Solar Resource Survey Project (Organization of American States, OAS, Multinational Project for the
Environment and Natural Resources) 1992-1995, and author of “Solar Radiation Charts for Argentine Republic”, 1997
[Argentine territory extends from 22ºS to 55ºS and it mostly offers favorable conditions for the use of solar energy.
Measurements of solar radiation have taken place during the last forty years, particularly since the installation of a quality-
controlled pyranometer network which began operations in 1979. The temporal and spatial variability of global radiation
data and Sun brightness hours were analyzed: the first ones for the determination of the uncertainty level for a given
precision, and the second one for the determination of the extrapolation error. Taking both of them into account, the
monthly averages of measured (28 stations) and estimated (Angström type equations for 24 stations) global radiation,
and using comparable values from neighbouring countries and satellite studies, it was possible to draw 13 charts with
the spatial distribution from this alternative source]. Grossi Gallegos was Technical consultant in the “Solarimetric Atlas
for Brazil”, 2000; Reporter of the Working Group on Solar Radiation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO-AR
III), 2007-2009; International Coordinator of the Iberoamerican Network for Solarimetria (RISOL) in the Iberoamerican
Program for Science and Technology for Development (CYTED), 1998-2001. He was the creator in 2002 of the Solar
Radiation Study Group (GERSolar-UNLu), which he directed until 2011. He was external evaluator in the Sectorial Fund
of Energy (SFE) of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (NARI) of the Republic of Uruguay, announcements
2013 and 2015. Hugo Grossi Gallegos has published 71 articles, 4 books, 4 chapters in books, 30 conference papers, 5
technical reports and gave 7 presentations and has directed, coordinated or acted as professor in national and international
courses and delivered over 100 lectures.
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 75