Page 118 - ISES SWC50
P. 118

Martin Zogg
                                      Country: Switzerland
                                      Year Started Research: 1975
                                      Title of Research: Computer simulation of solar water heating
                                      University: University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf
                                      Still Active in Research: No

            The widely diverging predictions for the usefulness of solar water heating motivated Martin Zogg, professor
            in  process  engineering  at  the  University  of  Applied  Sciences  in  Burgdorf  (Bern),  to  the  first  dynamic
            simulation of a complete thermal solar system in Europe. In 1975/1977 Zogg developed a pioneering
            program based on hourly meteorological data. Because there were no experimental data available even
            the  collector  efficiency  had  to  be  calculated.  As  confirmed  by  later  validations,  the  pioneering  program
            was already able to reproduce the dynamic behaviour of a solar hot water heating system quite precisely.
            This made it possible for the first time to determine the profitability of solar hot water systems and to design such
            systems in a well-founded way. In 1977 Zogg published his calculation models in detail. That aroused the interest
            of Gerhard Schriber, the later head of the Swiss Energy Research Program. He enabled the further development
            by several projects at the University of Applied Sciences in Burgdorf. Under the direction of Zogg and Roland
            Hungerbühler, Medard Rieder and Markus Arnet as scientific assistants the following upgrades were made:
            1981 Integration of experimentally determined collector efficiencies;
            1982-1983 Thermally stratified storage tank, analytical solutions, improved solar radiation conversion;
            1984 Systems with two stratified storage tanks and further control concepts;
            1985 Validation on experimental reference systems;
            1986-1987 Dimensionless number method for assessments without simulation, simulation of thermosiphon
            1988 Integration of systems with combined water and space heating.
            However, the ten-year path to a general recognition as a planning tool was quite painful. The turning point came with
            the validation of the simulation programs on reference systems. The practitioners were amazed that the calculated
            results matched the measured results within the scope of the measurement accuracy. Today, Zogg’s ideas live on in
            the much more advanced and extended program “Polysun”.

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