Page 113 - ISES SWC50
P. 113

Gerhard Schriber
                                      Country: Switzerland
                                      Year Started Research: 1978
                                      Title of Research: Promote research of renewable energies
                                      University: Swiss Swiss Federal Office of Energy
                                      Still Active in Research: No

            The physicist, Gerhard Schriber joined the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE) in 1978. His assignment was to
            initiate and promote research of renewable energies. In 1984 he became the head of the newly established BFE
            Energy Research Section. Together with his team, he clearly structured Swiss energy research and initiated an
            expert network among universities, industries, financial institutions. This led to a fruitful culture of collaboration that
            continues to this day. In connection with his work – mainly in the field of solar research and other renewable energies
            – Dr. Schriber became a member of several important national research institutions, among them the Federal Energy
            Research Commission, the Swiss National Foundation, the ETH-Council, the Science Council, the National Energy
            Research Foundation and the Innovation Promotion Agency. Dr. Schriber is a strong supporter of international
            collaboration in energy research. Whenever possible he embedded Swiss research in international frameworks. The
            International Energy Agency (IEA) provided ideal opportunities for this. As the Swiss representative he played an
            active and sometimes leading role in several IEA research programs. He was elected to chair the IEA Solar Heating
            and Cooling Program and the IEA Hydrogen Program. He was also a member of the IEA Renewable Working Party
            (REWP) and later the IEA Commission of Energy research and Technology (CERT). As an active retired person, he
            lectures in a school of engineering, where he has introduced a course ‘Energy and Environment’.

                                      Jean-Marc Suter
                                      Country: Switzerland
                                      Year Started Research: 1977
                                      Title of Research: Potential and limits of solar thermal technology in the
                                      different climate zones of Switzerland / System optimization
                                      University: Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research (EIR), today the Paul-
                                      Scherrer Institute
                                      Still Active in Research: No

            The first test method for the thermal performance of solar collectors has been developed. Solar collectors of the
            Swiss market have been tested. About 30 solar systems for hot water preparation, space heating and/or swimming
            pool heating of the pioneering period have been monitored and analysed. Reasons for reduced solar system
            performance have been identified. The factors for optimal performance have been classified according to their
            relevance. Design recommendations for the practice have been worked out. Knowledge transfer to the Swiss
            stakeholders of the solar thermal market was initiated. Jean-Marc Suter has been teaching for 25 years at the
            University of Applied Sciences in Basel. 500 architects and engineers got the information in the framework of a
            one-year course on renewable energy and energy efficiency in buildings. In addition, knowledge transfer to the
            international solar energy community took and is still taking place through his participation with ISO/TC180 “Solar
            energy” and CEN/TC312 “Solar thermal systems and their components” since 1989. In particular, he has been the
            convenor of the Working Group that created the first version of ISO 9488 “Solar energy – Vocabulary”. Jean-Marc
            also led the project team that worked out the series of standards EN 12977 “Solar thermal systems – Custom-built
            systems”. Nowadays, he is representing the solar thermal community in CEN/TC164/WG2 “Water supply – Internal
            systems and components”. This Working Group is revising EN 806, the basic standard dealing in particular with
            drinking water hygiene requirements, e.g. protection against Legionella proliferation.

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