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9.10 American Solar Energy Society Fellow

            The following table lists all theAmerican Solar Energy Society Fellows

             First Name      Last name      First Name      Last name       First Name     Last name

             Don             Aitken         Kenneth         Haggard         Frederick H.   Morse
             Robert          Aresty         Bruce           Haglund         Michael H.     Nicklas
             Jim             Augustyn       Denis A.        Hayes           Philip W.      Niles
             J. Douglas      Balcomb        Elaine          Hebert          Paul C.        Notari

             Marion          Barritt        Stephen         Heckeroth       Donald         Osborn
             William A.      Beckman        John R.         Hickey          David          Panich
             David L.        Block          Michael         Holtz           Richard        Perez
             Dr Robert       Boehm          Bion            Howard          Alicia         Ravetto

             Renate          Boer           Harold M.       Hubbard         Dave           Renne
             Karl W.         Boer           Bruce D.        Hunn            John S.        Reynolds
             G.Z. “Charlie”   Brown         Gina            Johnson         Stephen        Sargent

             Marlene         Brown          Stephen         Kalland         Marc Eugene    Schiler
             Harvey          Bryan          David           Kearney         Kenneth        Sheinkopf
             Jay             Burch          Robert R.       Keller          Larry          Sherwood
             Nancy           Carlisle       Edward C.       Kern            Larry          Shirley

             Craig           Christensen    Sanford         Klein           Doug           Shoemaker
             Jill            Cliburn        William H.      Klein           Walter         Shropshire
             Gilbert         Cohen          Jan             Kleissl         William (Bill)   Spratley
             David           Comis          Ralph           Knowles         Thomas         Starrs

             Jeffrey         Cook           Richard         Komp*           Ronald         Stewart
             Polly           Cooper         Frank F.        Kreith*         Steven         Strong
             Jane            Davidson       Charles         Kutscher        Ron            Swenson
             Francis         DeWinter       Alison          Kwok            Mark           Thornbloom

             Christine T.    Donovan        Ronal           Larson          Mary           Tucker
             Jack A.         Duffie*        Thomas          Lawand          Lorin          Vant Hull
             John            Dunlop         Norbert         Lechner         Frank          Vignola

             Anne            Dunning        George O. G.    Lof*            Gary           Vliet
             Scotte          Elliott        Susan           Luster          Cecile         Warner
             Helen           English        Gabriela        Martin          Jane           Weissman
             Barbara         Farhar         Alison          Mason           Claudia        Wentworth
             Wyldon          Fishman        Joseph          McCabe          John           Wiles

             Randy           Gee            Margot          McDonald        C. Byron       Winn
             D.Yogi          Goswami        Pamm            McFadden        Roland         Winston
             Walter          Grondzik       Paulette        Middleton       Byard          Wood

             Christian       Gueymard       Murray          Milne

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