Page 270 - ISES SWC50
P. 270

9.11 Individuals Involved with ISES National Sections

            The following list of people were mentionedin The Fifty-Year History of the International Solar Energy Society
            and its National SectionsVolume 1 The First 25 Years, 1955 to 1980 . They provide a snapshot of the many
            individuals who have been involved withthe various national sections of ISES in the early years. Not included
            within the list are those that are already included in the booklet either within the pioneers or the ISES Presidents.

                                         American Solar Energy Society

             First Name      Last name      First Name      Last name     First Name       Last name
             David           Bainbridge     Ken             Haggard       Don              Prowler
             Marian          Bert           Howard          Harrenstein   Jim              Rannels

                             Bliss          Lloyd           Herwig        Paul             Rappaport
             Barbara         Bradley        Everett         Howe          John             Reynolds
             G.Z             Brown          Tim             Johnson       Gordon           Salmon

             Jimmy           Carter         Robert          Jones         Walter           Shropshire
             Bill            Cherry         George          Keck          William          Shurcliff
             Mike            Corbett        Fred            Keck          Leonard          Spielvogel

             Kinsell         Coulson        Doug            Kelbaugh      Wendell          Thomas
             Albert          Dietz          Robert          Keller                         Tybout

             Peter           Dresser        John            Kincel        Omi              Walden
             Fred            Dubin          John            Lyle          Tony             Ward
             Anne            Dunnings       Edward          Mazria        Del              Ward
             Jim             Eibling        Patty           McDaniel      Kurt             Wasserman

             J.              Farber         Murray          Milne         Don              Watson
             Pliny           Fisk           Fuller          Moore                          Whillier

             Freeman         Ford           Robert          Murray        Bruce            Wilcox
             Ed              Fordyce        Loren           Neubauer      David            Wright
             Harrison        Fraker         Phillip         Niles         Susan            Yanda

             David           Freeman        Georges         Peri

             Drew            Gillett        Robert          Philips

                       Argentinian Section of the International Solar Energy Society

             First Name      Last name      First Name      Last name      First Name      Last name
             Monica          Garcia         Alfredo         Rapallini      Jorge           Serrano
             Jorge           Guerrero       Jorge           Rieznick       Ricardo         Serrano
             Jaime           Moragues       Luis            Saravia
             Mauel           Neit           Walter          Scheuer

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