Page 279 - ISES SWC50
P. 279
9.13 SWC50 Supporter- Pacific Power Association
The PPA is an inter-governmental agency and member of the Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific
(CROP) to promote the direct cooperation of the Pacific island power utilities in technical training, exchange
of information, sharing of senior management and engineering expertise and other activities of benefit to
the members.
The PPA’s objective is to improve the quality of power in the region through a cooperative effort among the utilities,
private sector and regional aid donors. The PPA’s members pool their resources and expertise for their common
benefit, gain international representation and improve access to international power sector assistance programmes.
The PPA provides direct links between the private sector and member utilities to improve private sector services
and thus make their presence in the region more productive. We have a password protected area in the Back office
and Tenders for all members which includes full active member details and equipment installed, current tenders and
many other useful features.
Pacific Power Association (PPA) is an association of electricity utilities, organisations, and individuals who have an
interest in the operations and development of the power industry in the Pacific Island Countries. PPA is an inter-
governmental regional organisation founded by the electricity utilities operating in the Pacific Islands Countries
The PPA was established in 1992 and has a Secretariat Office located in Suva, Fiji. Currently it has a
membership of 25 electricity utilities operating in 22 Pacific Island Countries and 91 Allied Members
world-wide with interest in the development of the power industry in the Pacific region.
The main objective of PPA is to create an environment of “co-operative partnership” with the private sector, funding
institutions, and others with interest in the development of the power industry and to enhance the role of the power
sector in the Pacific Island Countries. PPA is directly funded through annual subscriptions from the members.
There are three categories of membership – Active Membership, Allied Membership and Affiliate Membership.
Active membership is limited to power utilities operating in the Pacific islands region whilst Allied membership is
open to all other power utilities, organisations, and individuals with interest in the regions power industry.
An Affiliate Member shall be any organisation whether incorporated or unincorporated that will not seek to gain a
financial benefit from the PPA and would include multilateral and bilateral agencies, non-utility government entities
and various international standards associations. An Affiliate Member is not a financial member of the PPA.
The Activities of the Association are directed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of the Chief Executive
Officers of Active members and a Representative elected from the Allied members. The day to day affairs of the
Association is managed through a Secretariat headed by an Executive Director with a total staff of five (5).
The idea for an Association came about in the course of 3 years of discussion among the region’s power utilities,
governments, aid donors, private sector companies and others with interest in the Pacific islands power industry.
These meetings brought to light many problems that Pacific island utilities and the power sector market face in
common, which could be dealt with effectively through direct cooperation.
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 261