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10. 2000-2009

                                               10.1 ISES 2000-2009

            •  The Millennium Solar Forum was organised by ISES in Mexico City.
            •  ISES and UNEP organised a highly successful Seminar on Rural Energy Provision in Africa (SEREPRO),
               part of the second phase of the ISES Utilities for Africa initiative.

             Figure 72: The Staff at ISES Headquarters in June 2001, at the time of Burkhard Holder’s resignation due to ill
             health. Rian van Staden, fourth from the right, would become Executive Director and Christine Hornstein, 9th
                                         from the right, the Deputy Executive Director.

            •  Rian van Staden became ISES Executive Director.
            •  The 2001 Solar World Congress was in Adelaide, Australia

            •  Dr. Karl Böer agreed to serve as editor of the proposed book, The Early Years of ISES which was to
               become the 50 Year History of ISES and its National Sections.
            •  The first woman elected as President. Prof. Anne Grete Hestnes takes office on 01.01.2002.
            •  Anne Grete Hestnes and Rian van Staden ensured ISES was part of the World Summit on Sustainable
               Development in Johannesburg.
            •  Prof. Yogi Goswami becomes Editor-in-Chief of Solar Energy journal.

            •  ISREE-9 was held in conjunction with the Solar World Congress in Göteborg, June 2003.
            •  ISES White Paper, Transitioning to a Sustainable Energy Future, by Dr. Donald Aitkin, outlining the
               rationale for effective governmental renewable energy policies world-wide, was released.
            •  The European Solar Cities Initiative workshop organised by ISES led to the International Solar Cities
               Initiative (ISCI).

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