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            •  D. Renné, M. Oliphant, and E. Weber participated in the 9th IRENA General Assembly in Abu Dhabi,
               January 12-15.They also attended the Public-Private Dialogue, where the first White Paper of the Coalition
               for Actions “Towards 100% Renewable Energy Working Group” was rolled out by ISES member Rainer
               Hinrichs-Rahlwes, the Chair of the group.Both Dave and Monica played key roles in developing the White
               Paper.They all attended the Coalition for Action Strategy Meeting, and Dave participated in a GSC Board
               meeting.For the remainder of 2019 Dave served as a co-Chair with Rainer in the Working Group as they
               developed a second White Paper for release in early 2020.
            •  D. Renné and E. Weber participated in the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue as well as the REN 21 Korean
               International Renewable Energy Conference planning meeting, April 8-10.
            •  D. Renné gave an invited speech at SNEC 2019, Shanghai, and attended a GSC Board Meeting, June 3-6.
            •  D. Renné represented ISES at Intersolar South America in Sao Paolo, Brazil on August 27-29 and
               participated in several panel discussions. He also participated in a meeting of ABENS.
            •  D. Renné was invited by REN21 to attend the KIREC 2019 in Seoul, South Korea, October 21 – 25, and
               participated in several panel discussions, as well as a meeting of the REN 21 Steering Committee.ISES was
               re-elected for another 3-year term on the SC.
            •  The  ISES  SWC2019  was held  in  Santiago,  Chile,  November  3-7,  and  hosted  by  SERC/Chile.As  with
               SWC2017 the Congress was held together with the IEA SHC Conference. This was the first SWC held in
               South America.
            •  The second winner ELSEVIER-ISES Renewable Transformation Challenge is presented. The winner,
               “Sunspot Solar Electric Cooking” by Team SUNSPOT was presented the award at the awards banquet at
               SWC2019, Santiago, Chile.
            •  The second instalment of Infographics were launched at the SWC2019 in Chile. This second instalment
               proactively highlights existing and highly successful applications of solar thermal energy. Three different
               examples of solar thermal applications were highlighted:
                    1.     Solar thermal process heat for brewing beer in a German brewery.
                    2.     Solar thermal process heat for the mining of copper needed for electronics in a Chilean
                           mining site.
                    3.     Solar thermal process heat for generating steam used in the production of pharmaceuticals
                           in Jordan.
            •  Klaus Vajen of Germany is elected president for the term starting 01 January 2020.
            •  In December 2019 D. Renné completes his final term as ISES President. His ten years is the longest term
               of any President in the 65 years history of ISES. His legacy is that ISES has a high profile and excellent
               working relationships with the many other organisations that have formed over the last 10 to 20 years
               such as REN21, IRENA , Global Solar Council etc.

                                        Figure 88: ISES Headquarters Staff as of 2020

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