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Theme: Achieving the Renewable Energy Transformation
450 participants (66 countries)
Conference Chair: Dave Renné and Prof. Kwang Hwan Choi
2015 South Korea Farrington Daniels Award – Prof. Richard Perez USA
Achievement through Action Award - Prof. Klaus Vajen and
research group at the Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering,
University of Kassel, Germany and Isao Yukawa, Japan
Theme: Innovation for the 100% Renewable Energy Transformation
500 participants (58 countries)
Conference Chair: Dave Renné, Ken Guthries and Steven Griffiths
Farrington Daniels Award. Recipient: Professor Robert Pitz-Paal
Achievement through Action Award - In memory of Christopher
Abdu Dhabi A. Weeks. Recipient: Professor Aldo Steinfeld of the ETH Zurich in
2017 UAE Switzerland
ISES Global Leadership Award in Advancing Solar Energy Policy - in
honour of Hermann Scheer. Recipient: Mika Obhayashi
ISES Special Service Award. Recipient: Dr. Elimar Frank, Switzerland
ISES Fellow. Recipient: Torben V. Esbensen
Renewable Transformation Challenge: Dr. Sebastian Groh of ME
Theme: Innovation in Transforming Energy Systems and Markets to
100% Renewable Energy
422 participants (48 countries)
Conference Chair: Dave Renné, Daniel Mugnier, Roberto Román
Farrington Daniels Award. Recipient: Prof. Lawrence Kazmerski,
2019 Santiago Achievement through Action Award - In memory of Christopher
Chile A. Weeks. Recipient: Prof. Ricardo Rüther, Brazil
ISES Global Leadership Award in Advancing Solar Energy Policy
- in honour of Hermann Scheer.
Recipient: Hans-Josef Fell, Germany
Renewable Transformation
Challenge: “Sunspot Solar Electric Cooking” by Team SUNSPOT,
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 299