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Ali Sayigh
Country: United Kingdom
Year Started Research: 1969
Title of Research: Solar Energy Systems, Buildings, and Advocate
University: London University/University of Reading
Still Active in Research: Yes
Dr. Ali Sayigh graduated from London University & Imperial College, BSC.AWP, DIC, Ph.D., C Eng. in 1966. He is
a Fellow of the Institute of Energy and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology, Chartered Engineer,
Chairman of the Iraq Energy Institute. Prof Sayigh taught in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Reading University and
the University of Hertfordshire (1966–2004. He was Head of Energy Department at Kuwait Institute for Scientific
Research (KISR) and Expert in renewable energy at AOPEC, Kuwait (1981-1986). He started R&D in solar energy
in 1969. He established “The Journal of Engineering Sciences” (1972) in Saudi Arabia and in 1984 he established
the International Journal for Solar and Wind Technology, as an Editor-in-Chief and Journal of Renewable Energy in
1990. In March 2014, he left WREN Journal as editor-in-chief but remain as founding editor. He is editor of several
international journals published in Morocco, Iran, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and India. He established WREN and the
World Renewable Energy Congress in 1990 and is a member of various societies related to climate change and
renewable energy. He established the by-annual Forum in 2011“Mediterranean Green Buildings and Renewable
Energy Forum”,and served as Editor-in-Chief of Comprehensive Renewable Energy, contributing 8 volumes to Elsevier
in 2012 (winner of the 2013 PROSE Award). He was consultant to many national and international organizations,
among them, the British Council, ISESCO, UNESCO, UNDP, ESCWA, & UNIDO. Dr. Sayigh founded the ISES Middle
East Section of the Society. He has collaborated with ISES in several world conference events. He runs conferences
in 40 different countries, published more than 600 papers and associated in 40 books. He supervised more than
80 M Sc. and 35 Ph. D students. He established (2016) Renewable Energy Magazine, RE and the year, since 2000.
He established as Editor-in-chief, well-refereed Journal of Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability.
Roger Van Overstraeten(1937-1999)
Country: Belgium
Year Started Research: 1963
Title of Research: Physical and micro electronics
University: Stanford University
Still Active in Research: No
Roger J Van Overstraeten (1937 – 1999) received civil engineering degree in electronics and mechanics
from the University of Leuven in 1960 and his PhD in physical electronics from Stanford University
in 1963. In 1965 he was appointed Associate Professor, University of Leuven, Professor in 1968.
From1972 to1984 he was director Microelectronics Department of Leuven Research & Development
Guest professor – University Florida (1974), Stanford University (1979) and Pilani (India, 1980)
1981 – 1984 - Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering. Set up Electronics, Systems, Automation and Technology
(ESAT) laboratory, which he directed until 1984. From 1984 to 1998 he was President and guiding inspiration of
the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC), international research and development organisation active in
fields of nanoelectronics and digital technologies. Under his direction, IMEC set up 15+ spin-off companies, and
created new venture capital fund IT Partners, orientated to information technology. In 1989, awarded the first
Becquerel Prize by the European Commission - prize to honour scientific, technical or managerial merits in the field
of photovoltaic solar energy, established at the occasion of the 150th anniversary of a ground-breaking experiment
by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel, also known as Edmond Becquerel, in which he discovered the photovoltaic effect.
The prize is awarded to a single individual who is recognized for continuous achievements in the field of photovoltaic
energy conversion. Served on numerous advisory and editorial boards, and fellow of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, from which he received the Frederik Phillips Award in 1999. Elevated to the nobility by the
Belgium King as Baron Van Overstraeten.
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 45