Page 74 - ISES SWC50
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            •  The Arab, German and Belgian and South African Sections were formed.
            •  The second Farrington Daniels Award went to Dr. Valintin Baum (USSR).

            •  Solar Energy Journal began to be published monthly.

            •  ISES celebrates its Silver Jubilee at the Solar World Congress in Atlanta, USA.
            •  Professor Felix Trombe was the third recipient of the Farrington Daniels Award.
            •  The Canadian and Finish Sections were formed.
            •  China Solar Energy Society was founded.

                           Figure 16: The first board of China Solar Energy Society (1979, Xi’an, China)

                                             Table 7: Officers of SES 1970-1971
                                                                 Secretary or     Executive Officer or Asst
                  Years      President      Vice President
                                                             Secretary / Treasurer       Treasurer
                 1970-71    R. N. Morse       J. A. Duffie        F.G. Hogg

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