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Table 8: Officers of ISES 1971-1979/80
                                                                 Secretary or     Executive Officer or Asst
                  Years      President      Vice President
                                                             Secretary / Treasurer       Treasurer
                 1971-72     J. A. Duffie     G. T. Ward         F. G. Hogg
                                              G. T. Ward
                 1972-73     J. A. Duffie                        F. G. Hogg
                                              G. O. Löf
                                             W. H. Klein
                 1973-74    G. O. G. Löf                         F. G. Hogg
                                              M. Perrot
                 1974-75    G. O. G. Löf      W. H. Klein        F. G. Hogg
                                              F. H. Morse
                                              R. L. Datta
                 1975-76    W. H. Klein       J. A. Eibling      F. G. Hogg

                                                                                        W. H. Klein
                 1977-78     R. L. Datta  W. W. S. Charters      F. G. Hogg             (asst. treas.)
                                              F. H. Morse
                 1978-79     R. L. Datta  W. W. S. Charters      F. G. Hogg             W. H. Klein
                                              F. H. Morse
                              W.W.S.          E. D. Howe
                 1979-80                                         F. G. Hogg             W. H. Klein
                             Charters          H. Tabor

                                         Table 9: Conferences and Meetings 1970-1979

                      Year           Location                            Overview

                                    Melbourne      1970 ISES Conference Australia General Chair: R. N. Morse;
                     1970                                        Conf. Organizer: F. G. Hogg
                                     Australia                 Approx. 190 attended; 62 papers

                                    Greenbelt                    Goddard Space Flight Centre
                                      USA             General Chair: W. R. Cherry 180 attended, 40 papers
                                                          Theme: The Sun in the Service of Mankind
                                      Paris              Organised jointly with AFEDES and COMPLES
                                     France                        General Chair: P. Auger
                                                   Approx. 600 registrants, 300 papers, 60 countries represented
                                                         Theme: Solar Use Now; a Resource for People
                                   Los Angeles        General Chair: E. L. Ralph; Program Chair: J. A. Duffie
                                      USA                    Nearly 2,000 registrants, 280 papers
                                                   Farrington Daniels Award: Professor Hoyt C. Hottel (USA)
                                                          Theme: Mankind’s Future Source of Energy
                     1977                             Secretary: J. Gururaj, Program Chair: Frank de Winter
                    but held        New Delhi                   1,100 registrants, 342 papers
                 January 1978         India        Farrington Daniels Award: Professor Valentine A. Baum
                                                                Theme: Silver Jubilee  Congress
                                                       General Chair: W. Shropshire, Program Chair: W. A.
                     1979                                                Beckman
                                                                2,000 registrants, 430 papers
                                                   Farrington Daniels Award: Professor Félix Trombe (France)

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