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Shyam S. Nandwani
                                      Country: Costa Rica
                                      Year Started Research: 1977
                                      Title of Research: Utilization and Promotion of Solar Energy, mainly
                                      Thermal Applications
                                      University: Center of Energy Studies, Indian INstitute of Technology,
                                      Delhi, India. Since Aug. 1978, Laboratorio del Energia Solar, Universidad
                                      Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica
                                      Still Active in Research: Yes

            Shyam S. Nandwani completed his Ph.D. on Mossbauer Spectroscopy at IIT Roorkee, India, 1973. However due
            to the energy crisis, he started Solar Energy Research at IIT Delhi, India in 1977. In Aug. 1978 he moved to Costa
            Rica as Visiting Prof. to work on Applications (mainly thermal) of Solar Energy. Although he worked primarily as
            researcher and promotor of Solar Energy, from Feb. 1979he did more work on Solar Cooking and got a patent in
            1983. He has published about 20 articles on Solar Cooking, as well as publishing a book in Spanish, Horno/ Cocina
            Solar in 1992. Shyam Nandwani attended the ISES conference organised at Delhi, in Feb. 1978 and has been a
            member of ISES since 1982. He was Founder and President of Asociacion Costarricense de Eneria Solar (ACES)
            during 1985-1996. Now he is an Honorary Member the new Asociacion ACESOLAR. He has published about 70
            articles in journals and has attended 50 conferences in 40 countries. Shyam S. Nandwani retired in Feb. 2013 but
            continues to promote solar energy.

                                      Monica Oliphant ISES President 2008-2009
                                      Country: Australia
                                      Year Started Research: 1977
                                      Title of Research: Solar thermal energy research, heat pipe solar
                                      University: Flinders University
                                      Still Active in Research/Industry: Yes

            Monica Oliphant played a very active role in ANZSES and AUSES; she joined the ISES board in 1997 and is still a
            member; and she was president of ISES in 2007-2009. Monica first became interested in renewable energy, and in
            particular solar energy, when she worked at Flinders University on solar thermal energy research, heat pipe solar
            concentrators, from 1977 to 1981. As a senior research scientist with the Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA)
            from 1981 to 2000, she undertook ground-breaking research into the role of renewable energy, energy efficiency
            and consumer behaviour in demand management for power networks. Also, she was involved in the SA 30 site
            wind resource monitoring program of 1984 -1988. The collected data showed where high wind energy potential
            sites existed and enabled developers to get off to a quick start in 2003 once State and Federal subsidies became
            available.  Monica Oliphant runs her own Consultancy and is an Adj/A Professor at the University of South Australia
            and a University Fellow at Charles Darwin University. She has participated on many Australian Federal and State
            Government Committees, including the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) Review Committee which
            introduced, amongst other things, a 15 year RECs deeming incentive for PV in 2003 and was team leader of a group
            looking into the feasibility of establishing a UN University in renewable energy in China. Awards received are an
            AO in the 2015 Queen’s Birthday Honours List in recognition of her work in Renewable Energy, 2016 Senior South
            Australian of the Year and in 2018 received an Honorary Doctorate of the University of South Australia. She is also
            Patron of crowd funding Community Power group CORENA (Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia).

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