Page 109 - ISES SWC50
P. 109
Takhir Razykov
Country: Uzbekistan
Year Started Research: 1972
Title of Research: Technology and physics of thin film solar cells
University: Physical-technical institute, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
Still Active in Research: Yes
Takhir Razykov developed revolutionary novel and low cost and simple chemical molecular beam deposition method
in the atmospheric pressure gas flow for fabrication of binary, ternary and multinary chalcogenide semiconductors
films. Structural, morphological, optical, electrical and photoelectrical properties of II-VI, IV-VI and V-VI films and
heterojunctions were investigated. High efficiency chalcogenides based thin film solar cells were fabricated.
Markus Real
Country: Switzerland
Year Started Research: 1975
Area of Research: Solar Power Plants
Institute: Federal Reactor Research Institute (EIR)
Still Active in Research/Industry: Yes
Markus Real studied engineering at the ETH from 1969 to 1974, did his doctorate under Peter Baccini , and began
his first position in 1975 at the Federal Reactor Research Institute (EIR), now the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), with
the planning of large solar power plants and pioneering work in the solar power plant sector. From 1975 to 1981,
Real set up the solar power plant department at EIR and initiated the development of the first solar power plants
in Almería / Spain in 1975 . On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for Energy , Real represented the burgeoning
Swiss industrial interests in solar power plant construction. Sulzer was able to build the first sodium-cooled solar
receiver for a test facility in Almería. In 1978 Real developed with the help of Claus Fröhlich, Head of the World
Radiation Center in Davos, a simple apparatus the help of which not only determined the relative distribution of
the strongly concentrated solar radiation in the MW / m² range could be determined, absolute values accurate to
1.5%, a development which brought the former EIR several measurement orders for solar tower power plants. The
simplicity of the technology was convincing. Real was able to win the management of the institute to give him a free
hand for the development of the photovoltaic system technology and for the purchase of the solar cells. The 1.5 kW
solar modules from Arco were still very expensive back then. . In November 1979 the first solar system, installed on
the tool shed in front of the canteen, was connected to the grid for the first time and fed photovoltaically generated
solar power into a European power grid. The EIR was a thermally oriented research facility and with the aim of
further developing photovoltaics and wind power plants, Real founded Alpha Real AG in 1982.
ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions | 91