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Joachim Luther
                                      Country: Germany
                                      Year Started Research: Early 1980’s
                                      Research Topic:
                                      Institute: University of Oldenburg, Germany
                                      Still Active in Research : Yes

            From 1974 to 1993, Joachim Luther was a full professor for applied physics at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
            In the beginning of the 1980s, his scientific interest shifted towards renewable energy sources, in particular solar
            power. At the University of Oldenburg under Joachim Luther, the energy autonomous laboratory “Energielabor”
            was realized in 1982. Since 1993, he held the position as full professor for solid state physics and solar energy
            at the University of Freiburg, Germany and served, in parallel, as institute director of the Fraunhofer Institute for
            Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, Germany until 2006. Joachim Luther is Professor Emeritus at the University
            of Freiburg and Director Emeritus of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg.In 2008, Prof.
            Luther became Founding Director and Chief Executive Officer of the newly founded Solar Energy Research Institute
            of Singapore (SERIS). Prof Luther has been a leading member of numerous important national and international
            organisations. In 2005, Joachim Luther won the German Environmental Award of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung
            Umwelt and the International Rheinland Prize for Environmental Protection. In 2005 he was awarded the Becquerel
            Award from European Commission In 2006, he received the Fraunhofer Coin “for outstanding merits within the
            Fraunhofer society”. In 2008 he was recognized by TIME magazine as Hero of the Environment, and in 2009, he
            won the Achievement through Action Award of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Joachim Luther was
            an ISES board member from 1992 to 2001 and President of the EUREC Agency (the European Association of
            Renewable Energy Research Centers) from 1997 to 2002. He was Editor in Chief of Solar Energy Journal from 1999
            to 2002 and Chairman of the International Science Panel on Renewable Energies (ISPRE) from 2007 to 2010. Since
            2010 he has been the Chairman of the European PV Conference Becquerel Prize Committee.

                                      Douglas Mahone
                                      Country: United States
                                      Year Started Research: 1980
                                      Title of Research: Study of Photovoltaic Residential Retrofits
                                      University: USDOE/Sandia National Laboratories Photovoltaic Program
                                      Still Active in Research: No

            Mr. Mahone was active in research and consulting during the early years of passive solar buildings and photovoltaics,
            as an original member of the pioneering solar energy firm of Total Environmental Action (TEA), beginning in 1974.
            One major study was focused on the problem of integrating photovoltaic systems onto residential rooftops at scale.
            The study had three parts: 1) a field and satellite survey to estimate the quantity of solar roof areas, and the potential
            power they could generate nationwide; 2) development prototype mounting systems for PV panels on residential
            roofs, including simple stand-offs as well as solar shingles; 3) design, build and test a functioning photovoltaic
            system for a residential rooftop. The study was funded by USDOE through Sandia National Labs, as part of a
            large-scale research program in photovoltaics. The study was the most applied of the program; other program areas
            were focused on more fundamental science and engineering. The study concluded that the technical problems were
            all solvable. The primary barrier to widespread adoption of PVs was that the cost of PV panels had to be reduced by
            70% to be cost effective. The study was published in 1982. Thirty years later, the cost problem has been solved and
            residential PV systems are being widely adopted. In addition to this research, Mr. Mahone also did substantial work
            on developing design strategies for passive solar systems and estimating their performance and cost-effectiveness.
            Since the 80’s, he shifted his focus to the broader field of energy efficiency in buildings, working on utility energy
            programs and on codes and standards development. He retired in 2015.

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