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Arturo Morales-Acevedo
                                      Country: Mexico
                                      Year Started Research: 1985
                                      Title of Research: “Optimum concentration factor for silicon solar cells”
                                      published in Solar Cells
                                      University: Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
                                      Still Active in Research: Yes

            Dr. Morales-Acevedo pioneering work contributed to establishing a strong solar cell and photovoltaic research
            community in Mexico with international academic recognition. He has done research on different kinds of solar cells
            such as Silicon and CdTe and CuInGaSe2 thin film solar cells. Recently he has focused his work on Metal Organic
            Perovskite thin film cells. Much of his investigation has been devoted to understanding the physical limits and
            optimizing cell designs by simulating their behavior, but he also has done experimental work collaborating with
            other groups in Mexico for making and characterizing solar cell devices. He participated in the first pilot line for
            silicon solar cells production established in Mexico (at his institute) at the beginning of the 80´s. His first paper (of
            more than 180) on silicon solar cells was published in 1985 and his most recent one on perovskite materials for solar
            cells was published this year (2020). He is currently an active professor at Centro de Investigación y de Estudios
            Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV, in Mexico), and associate editor for Solar Energy Journal and Journal of Electronic
            Materials in the solar cell and photovoltaic fields. He has edited one book on Solar Cell and Photovoltaic Research
            Perspectives (2013) and is the author of another Solar Cell popularization book in Spanish (1996). In addition, he
            has directed at least 28 M. Sc, and Ph. D. Thesis. At present, most of his former students are doing research at
            different universities in Mexico and Colombia where he has sustained collaboration with different investigation
            groups. In summary, Dr. Morales-Acevedo successfully has dedicated his whole professional life to the research,
            teaching, dissemination and formation of groups on photovoltaics in Mexico.

                                      Brian Norton

                                      Country: Ireland
                                      Year Started Research/Industry: 1980
                                      Title of Research: Optimization of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters
                                      University: Solar Energy Technology Centre, Cranfield University, UK
                                      Still Active in Research/Industry: Yes

            Professor Norton’s research ranges from fundamental work on solar energy devices and systems to full-scale
            extensively-monitored demonstrations of novel energy systems and design approaches on domestic, educational
            and library buildings and in agricultural applications. In particular, he has led
            development of new techniques for lower temperature evacuated glazing fabrication, ground-breaking work on
            photovoltaic antenna devices adopted in commercial systems and conceived and developed now widely adopted
            application of phase- change materials to thermal management of photovoltaics. He has received numerous awards
            for research, including CIBSE Napier Shaw Medal for original development of “Degree-hour” building energy-
            use correlation, Energy Institute’s Roscoe Award for research comparing embodied environmental impact of all
            renewable and non-renewable energy sources, “Solar Energy” Journal Best Paper Award in Photovoltaics, and, an
            Honorary Fellow, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). His honours include Member, Royal
            Irish Academy; Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering; and in September 2021 will receive an Honorary Doctorate
            from Université de Technologie de Troyes. Professor Norton established and led major university research centres at
            Cranfield, Ulster and TU Dublin. He is a Principal Investigator in MaREI, the SFI research centre for Energy, Climate
            and Marine and leads its Energy Efficiency research and has led international collaborative research programmes,
            IEA and COST activities. He has written over 220 peer-reviewed journal research papers and over 300 conference
            papers; supervised over fifty doctorates. Over 10,000 citations; h-index 51. His is currently and jointly Head of
            Energy Research, Tyndall National Institute, Research Professor, University College Cork and Professor of Solar
            Energy Applications, Dublin Energy Lab, Technological University Dublin.

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