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Hans-Martin Henning
Country: Germany
Year Started Research: 1987
Title of Research: Regeneration of Absorption Materials Using Solar
Process Heat
University: Oldenburg University
Still Active in Research: Yes
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning is Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg,
Germany and Professor of “Solar Energy Systems” at the Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering in the
Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg. He is member of the Expert Council on Climate Issues of the German
Government, member of ACATECH (German National Academy of Science and Engineering) and spokesperson of
the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance and member of the board of directors of the academy project “Energy Systems of
the Future”. Prof. Dr. Henning obtained his PhD in physics at Oldenburg University in 1993. Since 1994, he has
been working at Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, holding several different positions of responsibility over the years. In
2014 he was appointed Professor of Technical Energy Systems at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and in
2017 Director of Fraunhofer ISE. From 2011 to 2016 an Associate Editor of “Solar Energy”, the official journal of
the International Solar Energy Society. Prof Henning has been an active member of many committees including the
IEA SHC where he was Operating Agent of Task 25 “Solar Assisted Air Assisted Conditioning of Buildings” from
1999 to 2004 and Operating Agent of Task 38 “Solar Refrigeration and Air Conditioning” from 2006 to 2010. He
has also been member of the scientific committee for a number bog ISES SWC. He has had 97 papers published in
periodicals and journals, authored 17 books, been the editor of two handbooks on solar energy and had papers in
173 conference proceedings
Arnulf Jager-Waldau
Country: Italy
Year Started Research: 1987
Title of Research: Preparation and Solar Cell Performance of n-ZnO/p-
WSe2 Heterojunctions
University: Universität Konstanz
Still Active in Research: Yes
Dr. Arnulf Jäger–Waldau is a Scientific Officer and Senior Scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research
Centre since 2001. His current research portfolio ranges from the assessment of renewable energy technologies,
the effectiveness of deployment policies and how to integrate them into energy infrastructures to the role of
renewable and solar energy for the energy transition and climate change mitigation. Since 1987 he works in the
field of material research for solar cells and holds patents on semiconductor material deposition for thin film solar
cells and solar module design. His material research work spans from the investigation of fundamental material
properties of transition metal dichalcogenides for solar cell applications to the development of novel deposition
methods for compound this film solar cells. He has more than 250 publications in peer reviewed journals and
conference proceedings ranging from materials research for PV and solar cell development to market studies and
policy evaluations for Renewable Energies. He is the author of the European Commission’s annual “Photovoltaic
Status Report”, which is published annually since 2002. From 2011 to 2014 he was the Technical Chairman of the
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EUPVSEC) and served as European Co-Chair of the 6th World
Conference on Photovoltaic Power Conversion in Kyoto, November 2014 as well as Conference Chairperson of the
E-MRS Spring Meetings in 2009 and 2013. Dr. Jäger-Waldau was a Lead Author for Solar Energy of the Special
Report of the IPCC on Renewable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation. He served as a reviewer of the Global
Energy Assessment Report (GEA) published in 2012 and as a reviewer of various IPCC Assessment and Special
Reports. He is a reviewer of the annual Renewable Energy Market Report of the International Energy Agency as
well as the Renewable Global Status Report published by REN21.
152 | ISES SWC50 - The Century of Solar-Stories and Visions