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9.2 ISES Presidents 1990-1999

                                      Adolf Goetzberger

                                      Adolf Goetzbergere (Germany) received his doctoral degree in Physics from the
                                      University of Munich in 1955 and then spent 10 years in the USA—five years
                                      with  the  Shockley  Transistor  Laboratory,  Palo  Alto,  California,  and  five  years
                                      with Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey where he published
                                      fundamental work about the Si-SiO2 interface. In 1968, he returned to Germany
                                      to accept the position of Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid
                                      State Physics, and in 1981 he founded the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy

               Figure 61: Professor   Systems, in Freiburg, which grew into one of the major solar energy laboratories
               Adolf Goetzberger,     in Europe. In 1993 he retired as a Director of the Institute, but he carried on
              President 1991-1993     many publishing and advisory activities in the field of solar energy. Some of his
                                      scientific  achievements  included:  fluorescent  solar  collectors,  the  first  theory
                                      of  light  trapping  in  thin  silicon  solar  by  diffuse  reflectors,  development  of
                                      transparent insulation for buildings, and the planning and construction of the
                                      first self-sufficient grid-independent solar house in Germany in 1992. In 1995 he
                                      became Doctor Honoris Causa of the Uppsala University in Sweden.

                                      Mike Nicklas

                                      Mike Nicklas (USA) graduated from the University of North Carolina with a
                                      Bachelor of Architecture and formed the company Innovative Design in the late
                                      1970s. By 1977, his company had completed 600 solar projects. By the 1990s
                                      the firm was involved in the research and development of a building-integrated
                                      PV system with heat recovery, and a roof-integrated high temperature solar
                                      thermal system for industrial process heat applications. Nicklas served on many
                                      state and federal committees and was in succession Chair or President of the
                                      North  Carolina  Solar  Energy  Association,  the  North  Carolina  Home  Builders
             Figure 62: Mike Nicklas,   Association, the Passive Solar Industry Council, and ASES. He was passionate
              President 1993 – 1995   about solar energy and a global visionary, seeing a future for ISES as a huge
                                      grassroots environmental NGO rather than a rather small technical society. His
                                      argument was that this would deliver the message of ISES to many more people.

                                      Eduardo de Oliveira Fernandes

                                      He was the founder of an R&D group on Building Thermal Physics with major
                                      pioneering activities in Portugal on passive solar technologies in buildings,
                                      indoor air quality, and energy and the environment in the urban space. He was
                                      a consultant for energy in buildings for DGXII-European Union (1988–92), for
                                      EXPO ’98—Lisbon and its urban development (1993–98) and for various urban
                                      projects in Europe. He was the leader of several EU large RTD projects on IAQ
                                      issues for DGXII and on energy issues for DGXVII. He was chair of the Department
               Figure 63 : Eduardo    of Mechanical Engineering (1980–82); Vice-Rector of the University of Porto
              de Oliveira-Fernandes,   (1986–91); Secretary of State for Environment of the Portuguese government
              President 1995 – 1997   (1984–85); and Chair of Portuguese Mechanical Engineers(1992–94).

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