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            •  Spectrolab, Inc.  and  the  National Renewable Energy Laboratory  developed  a  photovoltaic  solar  cell
               that converts 32.3 % of the sunlight that hits the cell into electricity. The high conversion efficiency was
               achieved by combining three layers of photovoltaic materials into a single solar cell. The cell performed
               most efficiently when it received sunlight concentrated to 50 times normal. To use such cells in practical
               applications, the cell is mounted in a device that uses lenses or mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto the cell.
               Such “concentrator” systems are mounted on tracking systems that keep them pointed toward the sun.
            •  The National Renewable Energy Laboratory achieved a new efficiency record for thin-film photovoltaic
               solar cells. The measurement of 18.8 percent efficiency for the prototype solar cell topped the previous
               record by more than 1 percent.
            •  Solar Cells, Inc. (SCI), True North Partners, and LLC of Phoenix, Arizona merged to become First Solar,

            The following table provides a breakdown of solar module manufacturers in IEA PVPS countries in 1999. It
            provides an overview of the variety of manufacturers that existed and the size of the manufacturing capacity

                               Table 16: Breakdown of Solar Manufacturers in IEA Countries in 1999
                                                                        Module    Production
                Country         Manufacturer       Cell Manufacturing   Production.  Capacity  Module Type
                                                        (MW )           (MW )       (MW )
                Australia  BP Solar                      5.0             5.0         6.0          sc-Si
                           Note: These two               2.0             2.0         5.0          Mc_SI
                           companies were merging
                 Canada    Canrom                                No Information                   sc-Si
                Denmark    Gaia Solar                    0.0            0.075        0.33      mc-SI,sc-SI
                 France    Photowatt                     8.5             3.0         10.0         mc-SI
                           Free Energy Europe            0.4             0.4         1.0          a-SI

                                                                                               mc-Si sc-SI
                Germany    >20 Manufacturers             4.1             8.8         27.0        EFG a-SI
              Great Britain  Intersolar                  1.5             1.5         2.5          a-SI
                                                         0.4             0.4                      mc-SI
                           Eurosolare                                                2.5
                  Italy                                  1.1             1.1                      sc-SI
                           Helios Technology             2.1             2.05        2.2          sc_SI

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