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11.7 Solar Architecture Buildings 2010-2019

            •  With the growth of “Zero Energy Buildings” the US national Renewable Energy laboratory develops a
               classification system defined in a report : Net-Zero Energy Buildings: A Classification System Based on
               Renewable Energy Supply Options
            •  In May 2010 the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive states:
               Each Member State shall establish a long-term renovation strategy to support the renovation of the national
               stock of residential and non-residential buildings, both public and private, into a highly energy efficient and
               decarbonised building stock by 2050, facilitating the cost-effective transformation of existing buildings
               into nearly zero-energy buildings.
            •  IEA-SHC Task 40 / EBC Annex 52 launches a website with an interactive map of the world showing
               locations of Net Zero Energy Buildings. Clicking on the building location on the map provides information
               on that building. ( )

            •  The first Zero passive house in Iran, the Payesh Energy House (PEH) or Khaneh Payesh Niroo is launched.

            •  IEA -SHC Task 41 Solar Energy and Architecture launches in 2014 a website with a collection of case
               studies including a wide range of new built or retrofitted building types such as single and multi-family
               housing, offices, schools and universities, stadiums, culture buildings, etc. The case studies include active
               solar (photovoltaic and solar thermal) and passive solar. More than 230 case studies were proposed and
               evaluated by a broad range of trained architects from universities, research institutes, dissemination
               organisations and professional practices. 50 projects from 11 countries were selected to be included in the
               Collection of Case Studies. (
            •  In April Japan realised the Basic Energy Plan which comprised following targets:
               o  Net Zero Energy Buildings in newly constructed public buildings, etc. by 2020 and in newly constructed
                  buildings on average by 2030
               o  Net Zero Energy House (ZEH) in newly built ordinary residences by 2020 and in newly built residences
                  on average by 2030
            •  India’s first net zero building is Indira Paryavaran Bhawan , located in New Delhi , is inaugurated

            •  IEA -SHC Task 47 releases the report: Lessons Learned from 20 Non-Residential Building Renovations.
               The report summarizes the findings from 20 exemplary renovation projects. The buildings are divided into
               three categories; educational buildings, office buildings and historic & protected buildings. In this summary
               chapter, the key findings from all the buildings are described. More detailed information for each building
               category is presented under the respective chapters.

            •  The Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA Malaysia) started a voluntary initiative
               called Low Carbon Building Facilitation Program.
            •  The European Commission developed  guidelines for the promotion of nearly zero-energy buildings in
               order to ensure that by 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings.

            •  IEA-SHC Task 51 Solar Energy in Urban Planning releases a collection of 34 case studies from Austria,
               Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany Italy , Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The case studies are
               indicative of the state of the art of leading developments in the planning of solar energy in new and existing
               urban areas and also include examples of solar landscape planning. The report is available from following
               website while there
               is a clickable map on the case studies from the following site
            •  In May, The Canadian Home Builders Association - National launched the Net Zero Homes certification
               label, a voluntary industry-led labelling initiative.

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